posted by Guenter KnopFYI Soon I will run an ad in Cray Magazine on line. I recommend artists to look it up. I find it interesting and inspiring.
FYI Soon I will run an ad in Cray Magazine on line. I recommend artists to look it up. I find it interesting and inspiring.
My gallery web site is www.bobcraigcollage.ca Just GOOGLE Bob Craig Phone 604 899 0998
In January I have joined the LA Art show with 2 of my artworks with a gallery from NYC
My friends, I invite you to know my artwood, wood carvings and guitar carving works. http://artecommadeiraartefatos.blogspot.com.br/2013/11/diversos-artefatos-arte-com-madeira.html http://madeiraesculturaparede.blogspot.com.br/2014/02/artesanato-artes-visuais-artefatos.html
This is an incredible photo for two main reasons (1) I was standing so close to lava glow near sunset- I had never seen lava glow before It was an extremely dangerous thing to do-I will never do this ever again - the rocks below me could have collapsed The heat was enormous- I was only able to stay there about 30 seconds just for the photo-(see sweat on my brow) If there is a next time to observe lava glow -I would do so with a pair of binoculars (2) The second reason is that the Volcano erupted one week later after this photo was taken-it is known as Mount Kilauea Volcano