INVITATION: (Governors Island, NY) "Dirty Time"/ artist duo/ Hey There Kapplow and Walker Tufts, focused on dirtiness and time, announce an exhibition and participatory activities related to their campaign to add an emoji for dirt to the official catalog of emoji. - Exhibit: Sept. 23 - Oct. 1, 2023. Location: Colonels Row House 404A, Governors Island. A selection of international artists respond to the idea of emojifying dirt, and the exhibition features their works in 2D, 3D and 4D formats. Dirty Time will also be collecting visitor suggestions for a potential dirt emoji through a “think tank” installation within the exhibition, and several participatory activities on Sept. 30. Please contact "Dirty Time”, or B a r b a r a Schneider for more information about her works.
My website is the place to go to view one at a time posts of my recent work. I hope you will visit me online at
Frothy lacy layers swing and swish in rhythm to the gentle breeze as if in an elegant waltz.
walking around labor, you would see many parts of sea animals or wrecked boats or ships fallen apart. # Reza Sayyad Soufdoost # Gift