posted by Max DelaneyStill from The Current by animation company Lambda Films
Still from The Current by animation company Lambda Films
Floral swathes stretch as far as the eye can see, colours blurring as the summer haze rises. That is, apart from some distinct pinks that peek through and retain their definition.
Mother Earth is a bead Embroidered/ mixed Media piece representing war with numerous hand surrounded by blood and fire at the bottom as they reach towards a porcelain woman’s legs as she uplifts them towards the sky along with innocent children and animals. 3 owls. There are 2 porcelain children , one each below her out reached hands. All beaded along with crystals and sead beads
Mother Earth is a Bead embroidered technique/ mixed media piece created 10-2024 symbolizing war, fire suffering from war at the bottom with human hands reaching to Mother Earth saving our world including innocent children and animals from destruction .
« Картина . Митрофорный протоиерей Николай Гурьянов. 90х60 холст/масло. Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы, Ленинградская область, Лужский район, деревня Городец. 2024 год»