Callie Hirsch

From Kadinsky, Miro, and Klee to the great architect and artist Hundertwasser, they all share a wonderful expression of nature’s rhythms. Hirsch's work brings forth seductive patterns, flowing with pulsating energy throughout the artwork. Traveling twists and turns in themes of natural order.

Hirsch comes from the mountainous area of Rockland County New York, and currently resides in Brooklyn. A sweet mix of wildlife and city life, the work speaks with lively energy and motion, numerous stories being revealed. Based deep in natural themes, each painting displays a thoughtful playfulness found in the honesty of seeking out mysteries, the unearthing of ideas. An appropriation of forest and trees, the earth’s bountiful colors are brought to surface in the artwork. A variety of mediums are used and surfaces including inks on paper, oil on canvas, and acrylic on mannequins. Hirsch's most recent work utilizes iridescent acrylics on black etch paper. The depth that the blackness creates is like that of space, with each dot applied being a source of energy. Cells are shown merging, separating and evolving into an array of life forms.


Brutalist Society: The Promise of Glass

Inspired by the glass architecture that has been invading big cities, Callie has created a series of paintings of abstract glass buildings that flirt with
illusions of transparency and reflection. Glass walls and windows of this Brutalist architecture deflect light, maintaining the mystery of what lies
behind them. Geometric shapes and muted colors imitate the soulless feelings provoked by the facades of structures that appear empty and devoid
of life. As this series evolves, vibrant colors begin to crack open the façade and morph into new reflections on hope and transcendence.

Glass buildings convey implicit and explicit meanings to passers-by and facilitate ways of seeing and being seen. They are simultaneously reflective,
illusory and amorphous leaving it up to the viewer to interpret what’s transpiring. Callie's paintings confront a distorted reality and
create a blurred sense of how to transcend chaos.

What is the promise of glass?