posted by VetrofScenic art project dedicated to ballet, art about art through the eyes of conceptual artists Art project "Ballet 2012 Ballet" conceptual art of 21 century. The authors of the idea of ??pictorial art project the artist Alik Vetrof, creative association of ASA ART randevu The project involved artists Prinai If you wish to take part in an art project, please contact Art curator of the project "Ballet 2012 Ballet" mail: firstnewsart@gmail.com Announced deadline to participate in an art project, Ballet 2012 Ballet. All interested artists may apply for, and the beautiful art project. Your enrollment, you can send up to 30 December 2011, art project coordinator Ballet 2012 Ballet, creative association Art randevu ASA, Alik Vetrof.... Creative association and art magazine of conceptual art www.portalart.co.uk